Document 2095 DOCN M94A2095 TI HIV infected women and their experiences: a pilot study into issues of abuse. DT 9412 AU Gregonis S; Grant C; St. Christopher's Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, PA. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):382 (abstract no. PD0136). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370480 AB OBJECTIVE: A previous study conducted by the author (International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, 1993) revealed that clinical data of women receiving care in a comprehensive family centered HIV clinic in a pediatric hospital were volunteering information about their own histories of abuse during routine office visits. Critical to the care of the HIV infected woman is an understanding of her psychosocial needs in context with her cultural background, and her support systems. METHODS: A pilot study was conducted that concentrated on issues of abuse. RESULTS: The results revealed that more than half (55%) of the women responded in the affirmative that they had experienced some form of abuse in their lives. Data also revealed that the women described difficulties in the negotiation of sexual behaviors as well as negotiating condom usage. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Further assessment of these women's histories and stressors will allow clinicians to link evaluations to specifically tailored interventions. DE Adolescence Adult Child Child Abuse/*PSYCHOLOGY/STATISTICS & NUMER DATA Comprehensive Health Care Female *Gender Identity Human HIV Infections/EPIDEMIOLOGY/PREVENTION & CONTROL/*PSYCHOLOGY Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice Philadelphia/EPIDEMIOLOGY Pilot Projects Risk Factors Sex Behavior Spouse Abuse/*PSYCHOLOGY/STATISTICS & NUMER DATA MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).